Urine for Microalbumin

A urine microalbumin test is a test to detect very small levels of a blood protein (albumin) in your urine. A microalbumin test is used to detect early signs of kidney damage in people who have a risk of kidney disease. Microalbumin tests are recommended for people with an increased risk of kidney disease, such as those with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure.

How to prepare for the test: 

The microalbumin test is a simple urine test. You can eat and drink normally before the test.

What to Expect: 

During the microalbumin test, you simply need to provide a fresh urine sample. This may be done in several ways:
24-hour urine test :Your doctor may ask you to collect all of your urine in a special container over a 24-hour period and submit it for analysis.
Timed urine test: Your doctor may ask you to provide a urine sample first thing in the morning or after a four-hour period of not urinating.
Random urine test: A random urine test can be taken at any time. But to improve accuracy of the results, it's often combined with a urine test for creatinine — a waste product usually filtered by the kidneys.
The urine sample is sent to a lab for analysis. After you provide the urine sample, you can return to your usual activities immediately.